Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Second Nephi 4:22

He hath confounded mine enemies, unto the causing of them to quake before me.

Nephi's enemies were his own brothers. Yet he never stopped loving them or trying to teach them and help them. If we love our enemies, the Lord will take care of them for us, and he will take care of us as well. Nephi did not have to defeat his enemies. God fought his battles for him, and they eventually defeated themselves. Nephi's challenge was not to beat his brothers, but to love them in spite of their being his enemies. When we face our enemies, do we gird on our armor or gird up our hearts?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Second Nephi 4:21

He hath filled me with his love, even unto the consuming of my flesh.

Why does Nephi describe the love of God as consuming his flesh? The footnote to "consuming" refers to D&C 84:33, which says the priesthood can lead to the renewing of our bodies. So, when Nephi was most in tune and filled with God's love, which is charity, the natural man, the fleshy man, was consumed, and he was renewed by the Spirit as the spiritual man. His fleshly desires and inclinations were replaced with godly desires as he was renewed or born again.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Second Nephi 4:20

My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.

No doubt Nephi suffered in the wilderness and crossing the ocean. But he did not blame God. He recognized the hand of God in helping him through his hardest times. Nephi's attitude is the example for us in our hard times. Our trials are a blessing if we turn to God, because we will come to know him. Nephi would not have been the prophet and leader that he was without his wilderness experience.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Second Nephi 4:19

And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted.

Nephi recognizes his fallibility, but he is not discouraged. The Savior hasn't given up on him, and so he won't give up on himself. We just have to keep plowing ahead. Every day we face certain failure, but every day Christ is willing to redeem us and let us try again. He is infinitely patient with those who keep trying. He has an infinite capacity to forgive. That's why we can trust him.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Second Nephi 4:18

I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily beset me.

"Beset" means to trouble or threaten persistently. Sin is a constant problem for as long as we are mortal. Paul says that sin is in his very flesh. Though his mind wants to obey God, his body rebels constantly. (See Hebrews 12:1, Romans 7:21.) If Paul and Nephi struggle with sin, how can the rest of us expect to escape unscathed? Not unscathed, but redeemed and healed through Christ. Though Nephi seems to be down on himself at the moment, he is about to remind us of the glorious hope of Christ.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Second Nephi 4:2

For behold, he truly prophesied concerning all his seed. And the prophecies which he wrote, there are not many greater. And he prophesied concerning us, and our future generations; and they are written upon the plates of brass.

The day will surely come when the brass plates of Lehi will be given to us. The word of God is never lost. The Lord knows where all his words are hidden, and he knows when we are ready to receive them. "We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God." (Article of Faith 9)

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Second Nephi 2:10

And because of the intercession for all, all men come unto God; wherefore, they stand in the presence of him, to be judged of him according to the truth and holiness which is in him. Wherefore, the ends of the law which the Holy One hath given, unto the inflicting of the punishment which is affixed, which punishment that is affixed is in opposition to that of the happiness which is affixed, to answer the ends of the atonement.

Because of the Atonement we are judged on Christ's perfect character rather than on our own imperfect character. It is his truth and holiness, not ours, that answers the judgment.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Second Nephi 2:15-16

And upon these I write the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth them, and writeth them for the learning and the profit of my children. Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.

Thus begins the passage known as the Psalm of Nephi. Like Nephi, my soul delights in the scriptures, and I ponder them, and I write about them for the profit of my children. The scriptures teach us the language of the Holy Ghost. To paraphrase a very wise man: "When we want to talk to God, pray; when we want to hear him answer, read the scriptures."

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Second Nephi 2:9

Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto God, inasmuch as he shall make intercession for all the children of men; and they that believe in him shall be saved.

Christ is our advocate with the Father. An advocate is one who pleads on someone else's behalf. Originally it meant to call to one's aid. He also intercedes for us with the Father. To intercede is to intervene on behalf of another. It means literally to go between. Christ stands between us imperfect, sinful children and the perfect, sinless Father who cannot look upon sin with the least degree of allowance. Christ vouches for us and testifies that he has paid our debt and removed our sins.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Second Nephi 2:8

Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise.

Because of our flesh, we make mistakes and sin. Those sins keep us from God. Through Christ's atoning sacrifice, he can remove our sins and give us hope that we can still return to God. This is the doctrine of the Atonement and redemption.

Second Nephi 3:1

And now I speak unto you, Joseph, my last-born. Thou wast born in the wilderness of mine afflictions; yea, in the days of my greatest sorrow did thy mother bear thee.

The journey in the wilderness was no piece of cake for Lehi. He receive revelation that Laman and Lemuel would reject salvation. He saw Nephi suffer greatly at the hands of his older brothers. He saw his older sons attempt murder and lie and deny that they had seen an angel and heard the voice of God. Their constant murmuring made his life miserable. The contention that his older sons and the sons of Ishmael brought into the family caused Lehi to despair of life as they crossed the ocean on what, under the best of circumstances, must have been very trying circumstances. Lehi had been hungry and fatigued right along with the rest of his family. Despite having had marvelous revelations and glorious visions and the miracle of the Liahona, Lehi had not escaped the temporal trials of the wilderness.

Just because we have a testimony and are striving to keep the commandments, we are not exempt from the challenges of living a mortal life on a telestial earth. In fact, sometimes our very attempts to draw closer to the Lord qualify us for greater trials. The Lord tries his people. He wants us to be strong and patient and humble and meek. These attributes come only to those who have endured affliction. Thus, we should consider ourselves blessed when we are faced with troubles and sorrows. It means the Lord trusts us and is stretching us. This knowledge doesn't make the trials any less real, but it can bring a measure of peace to a troubled heart. We do not ever have to be alone.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Second Nephi 2:5

And men are instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil. And the law is given unto men. And by the law no flesh is justified; or, by the law men are cut off. Yea, by the temporal law they were cut off; and also, by the spiritual law they perish from that which is good, and become miserable forever.

We cannot save ourselves. We cannot keep the law perfectly. Sooner or later we fall short. The good news is that Christ never falls short.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Second Nephi 2:4

And thou hast beheld in thy youth his glory; wherefore, thou art blessed even as they unto whom he shall minister in the flesh; for the Spirit is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. And the way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free.

Jacob saw Christ six hundred years before He was born and was as blessed as though who walked with him in Judea. We can be as blessed after the fact as Jacob was before the fact. Salvation is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Second Nephi 2:3

Wherefore, thy soul shall be blessed, and thou shalt dwell safely with thy brother, Nephi; and thy days shall be spent in the service of thy God. Wherefore, I know that thou art redeemed, because of the righteousness of thy Redeemer; for thou hast beheld that in the fulness of time he cometh to bring salvation unto men.

We are redeemed by Christ, not by our own efforts. We have to do our best, but only Christ can make it happen. Our righteousness is always insufficient. Christ's infinite righteousness is always required.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Second Nephi 2:2

Nevertheless, Jacob, my firstborn in the wilderness, thou knowest the greatness of God; and he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain.

Having a testimony does not protect us from afflictions, but afflictions can be for our good. Faith makes the difference between growth and misery.