Sunday, January 6, 2019

3 Nephi 28:39

Now this change was not equal to that which shall take place at the last day; but there was a change wrought upon them, insomuch that Satan could have no power over them, that he could not tempt them; and they were sanctified in the flesh, that they were holy, and that the powers of the earth could not hold them.

Power over the earth is truly rare and miraculous, but power over Satan is available to all. Satan has no power except the power we give him. We can dismiss him any time we want. All we have to say is "Get thee behind me, Satan! Get thee hence." If we really mean it, he has no choice but to depart.  Those who have bodies always have power over those who do not.  According to this scripture the three Nephites received additional power so that Satan COULD NOT tempt them.  In other words,  when they banished him, he had to stay banished, so they did not have to waste time and energy constantly casting him out. This is a marvelous gift, and in the Millennium we will all have this gift to truly bind Satan. For now,  however, we must depend on the gift we already have, which is to be able to cast him out regularly. Recall from the experience of Moses, who cast Satan out of his presence, that he may not go quietly or happily.  But if we are firm in our determination, he must leave us, at least for a period.

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