Monday, March 26, 2018

Alma 30:15

How do ye know of their surety? Behold, ye cannot know of things which ye do not see; therefore ye cannot know that there shall be a Christ.

Korihor, an Anti-Christ, challenged Alma's testimony of the Savior with the accusation that he could not know what he could not see. If people believe only in what they see, they believe in nothing, for seeing is not believing. At the same time, seeing is easily fooled, as evidenced by every illusionist and con artist. Eye witnesses are, of all forms of evidence in a court of law, the most unreliable.  How often do several people see the same event and yet come to different conclusions about what happened!

These same people, who put so much stock in seeing, take on faith the theories of evolution, geological ages, the big bang, global warming and other speculations for which they have never personally seen physical evidence. They will take the word of a scientist who claims to have seen something in an electron microscope or the Hubble telescope, but they will not take the word of a prophet. I am not disparaging science, but I offer that believing in unseen science is not any different from believing in the testimony of prophets, seers, and revelators. I may never get to look into an electron microscope, but I can test and confirm for myself the testimonies of prophets and scriptures.

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