Wednesday, November 16, 2016

First Nephi 15:24

And I said unto them that it was the word of God; and whoso would hearken unto the word of God, and would hold fast unto it, they would never perish; neither could the temptations and the fiery darts of the adversary overpower them unto blindness, to lead them away to destruction.

Having earlier taught us how to receive personal revelation, Nephi now provides guidelines for how to avoid personal apostasy.

  1. Listen to and obey the word of God, which is the personal revelation we receive as the answer to our inquiry. We must respond and do what the Lord tells us to do when we ask him for instructions.
  2. Do not get distracted by contradictory ideas or the persuasions of others. When those moments come, as they inevitably do, when we start to wonder if the answer we got was real, do not doubt. Remember. If it was true then, it is true now. Stay focused.
  3. Know that temptations and fiery darts will come. The Apostle Paul taught us to hold tight to our shield of faith to protect us from the fiery darts. Hold the shield high and with a firm grasp. Trust it. No weapon has been formed by man or Satan that can overpower God.
  4. Keep our eyes open and our feet on the path. As a skydiving instructors tells all of his first-time students, "After you jump from the plane and are hurtling at 120 miles per hour through the air, if everything around you seems black and you cannot see the ground, open your eyes!" And avoid the temptation to take a few steps down other attractive paths just to see if maybe they are better than the path God has set you on. They are not. Stay the course. See rule #2 above.
The result: We will not get lost.

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